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Timbeters cooperation with Luua Forestry School

March 21, 2023
Timbeters cooperation with Luua Forestry School
Timbeter collaborates with various forestry education institutions around the world, among them, Luua Forestry school whom we have worked with since 2015. Lauri Toim, forestry teacher, shares his experience of implementing Timbeters’ solution in the learning process. 

Luua Forestry School uses modern stack wood volume applications for comparison purposes. Every day, students learn several different techniques to determine the volume of a stack in steres and the volume of wood in solid cubic meters. These operations require a fair number of measurements and at the same time generalization of the results. All of which suggests that a quick and accurate solution is needed to verify the previously mentioned methods. This is where the Timbeter software comes in handy, taking a photo of the stacked end of a log and processing it to give accurate and, most importantly, fast results. While the calculation of the pile density coefficient is rather general with one method and very time-consuming with another, the wood/air ratio in the stack derived from the Timbeter photo is very accurate. To this we can add the value of monitoring the diameters of the logs and the distribution of diameters into classes. Storing and sharing recorded measurements is also a necessary feature.

The Timbeter software has been well accepted by the students. The fact that detailed instructions are built into the software and that the user interface is convenient and logical certainly plays a role.

It is also important that when we send students on internships to companies, we are able to provide them with as wide a range of knowledge as possible – from basic knowledge of stack measurement to the accurate and fast tools in the Timbeter solution.

If you are interested in using Timbeter for your thesis – contact us at info@timbeter.com!

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